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Meet the people who work with you to plan, design and deliver sustainable cultural projects, demonstrate their impact and identify opportunities for you to evolve and grow.

UKGSF Multi-Year Evaluation Report

UK Global Screen Fund Multi-Year Evaluation

Client Title

BAFA - Festivals Forward

Festivals Forward

Client Title

BBC in the West Midlands Report

BBC in the West Midlands

Client Title

The City as Creative Platform

The City as Creative Platform: New Urban Centres of Creative and Digital Services

Client Title

Impact Assessment Edinburgh Festivals

Impact Assessment Edinburgh Festivals

Client Title

Evaluation of the DCMS Culture Recovery Fund

Evaluation of the DCMS Culture Recovery Fund

Client Title

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BOP Reports

She has a particular interest in cultural policy evaluation, impact assessment of cultural projects and is responsible for data analysis, report writing, and project management. Prior to joining BOP, Nora worked at the Cultural Cooperation department of the Institut français and the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, in Budapest.

She has also assisted with linguistic research at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, where she collected and analysed data to inform models of language production and processing.  

Nora holds a BA in Linguistics from the University of Cambridge and speaks German, French and Hungarian.

Nora is a mixed-method researcher with a background in theoretical and applied linguistic research.

Senior Researcher

Nora Ruzsiczky

Nora Ruzsicky - Senior Researcher | BOP Consultant

We work around the world to build and support new cultural and creative economies. We have created a set of tools that give leaders and decision-makers an unparalleled understanding of their cultural and creative assets and how to make the most of them. Here is a selection of our projects.


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