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Meet the people who work with you to plan, design and deliver sustainable cultural projects, demonstrate their impact and identify opportunities for you to evolve and grow.

UKGSF Multi-Year Evaluation Report

UK Global Screen Fund Multi-Year Evaluation

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BAFA - Festivals Forward

Festivals Forward

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BBC in the West Midlands Report

BBC in the West Midlands

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The City as Creative Platform

The City as Creative Platform: New Urban Centres of Creative and Digital Services

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Impact Assessment Edinburgh Festivals

Impact Assessment Edinburgh Festivals

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Evaluation of the DCMS Culture Recovery Fund

Evaluation of the DCMS Culture Recovery Fund

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Dr. Marina Guo serves as the Rotating Chair of China Innovation Service Alliance for Culture & Technology, which is a national initiative (NGO) and industry strategy funded by China Ministry of Science & Technology.

Marina has been teaching at Shanghai Theatre Academy for 6 years as Head of Arts Management program and Vice Director of John Howkins Research Center on Creative Economy. As the Founder & President of Huashan Multiversity, she was previously committed in talent development program on cultural leadership, innovation and creative entrepreneurship for executives and professionals. Marina holds a Ph.D. in Economics, Master of Arts and Bachelor in International Business.

Throughout her rich experiences in cultural creative industries and academic career, Marina has worked across industry-academia sectors nationally and internationally with vast knowledge and networks. These include Supervisor of DBA program at University of Otago (New Zealand) and Shanghai Jiaotong University, guest faculty at Berlin School of Creative Leadership (Germany), Visiting Scholar at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (Australia), Editor of International Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries (Taiwan), sitting on the Board of Directors of American Institute of Performing Arts (USA) and sitting on the international jury of the World Cities Culture Forum Leadership Exchange Program. Marina has advised a range of clients on the development of CCI, cultural planning and management, business strategy and mentoring to the public and private sectors.

Marina is the author of Creative Transformation (China Economic Press 2011) studying the potential of the creative economy in China, and the translator of How Creativity is Changing China (Wuwei Li, Bloomsbury 2011). Marina has also contributed to a number of research reports, such as the World Cities Culture Report, China Creative Industries Report and Handbook of CCI in China. Marina was recognized as a future leader when she received the Australian Endeavour Award 2010. She won the most competitive Creative Leaders Award at China Creative Industries Award in 2011. Marina was involved in the founding and development of World Cities Culture Forum and still has a close tie to the Forum.

Prior to this, Marina held executive roles in cultural agency (Sunspirit), business (Yorkie Investment) and consulting (BOP China). She demonstrated entrepreneurship, leadership, and passion for cross-cultural communication.

Dr. Marina Guo is a cultural entrepreneur, researcher & strategist based in Shanghai and Toronto. She is the Associate Director of London based BOP Consulting.

Associate Director

Marina Guo

Marina Guo - Associate Director | BOP Consulting

We work around the world to build and support new cultural and creative economies. We have created a set of tools that give leaders and decision-makers an unparalleled understanding of their cultural and creative assets and how to make the most of them. Here is a selection of our projects.


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