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Every city on Earth is on an urgent mission to transform itself into a better, more sustainable place to live and work. Culture is a vital part of this new emerging blueprint, and it must be rethought as a central driving force for change.

For cities to successfully tackle the pressing issues they face this century – climate change, social cohesion, migration, rapid technological change, poverty – we believe they need to develop and mobilise this underestimated power of culture and creativity.

By putting culture at the heart of a city’s development, the conversation around sustainability can be reframed - creating a future where well-being, the environment, and economic growth go hand in hand. But to do so, the creative industries must be given the same seriousness and attention as other sectors.

Cultural Capability

Using our 25 years of experience in the creative economy, statistics, cultural mapping, and policy, we have identified three particularly important dimensions that make up what we call a city’s Cultural Capability. This capability is made up of a city’s cultural and creative Assets, Attractiveness, and Innovation. Once harnessed, this potential can yield impactful results in human development, climate and environment, quality of life, soft power, and co-operation - ensuring dynamic, vibrant, and inclusive growth.

Over the next three years, we are measuring these dimensions in 500 cities, setting a standard for measuring culture and creativity across the world. Over this period, we will capture:

  • How cities ensure culture is available to their citizens (Assets).

  • How culture contributes to a city's image and visitor economy (Attractiveness).

  • A city's potential for creative growth (Innovation).

These will be released each year as part of our BOP500 Index, helping cities to understand the relationship between their assets, the communities they serve, the income they generate, and their capacity for innovation. 

Ultimately, this capability represents far more than the sum of a city's cultural infrastructure and assets. It is also a practical roadmap for cities to unlock latent potential by helping them to register their current cultural assets, identify gaps and opportunities, position their city in relation to peers and competitors, and galvanise stakeholders.

Interested in building BOP500 data into a project? Get in touch below.

Learn more about BOP500 here.

Cultural Capability: Rethinking Culture for the 21st Century

Our team shares how the framework behind BOP500 can power sustainable development in cities around the world.

Dec 13, 2023

Nov 11, 2024

Our research outlines a growth blueprint that builds on the BBC’s increased investment in West Midlands' creative economy.

How the BBC Can Help Accelerate the UK's Creative Economy

Poppy Lawrence Carr

Jul 26, 2024

How culture drives value through different stages of property and place development.

Culture Anchors Development

Jonathan Todd

Jul 10, 2024

Chief Economist Jonathan Todd reflects on the cultural sector’s role in new government ambitions.

Culture and Creativity: Changing Britain for the Better

Jonathan Todd

Apr 3, 2024

Summit in West Kowloon District sends message of international collaboration.

International Cultural Summit Hong Kong

Marianna Lemus-Boskovitch

Feb 16, 2024

Rachel Kuhn and David Hingley discuss three key takeaways from recent high-profile closures.

Why are City-Centre Attractions Closing?

Feb 15, 2024

Our team clears up a common misconception.

What is the Difference Between a Feasibility and Viability Study?

Rachel Kuhn

Jan 29, 2024

We at BOP are shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden death of Tim Joss in an accident last week.

Tribute to Aesop Founder and CEO, Tim Joss

Richard Naylor

Jan 23, 2024

Associate Director, Rachel Kuhn reports on Museum Connections Paris.

AI and Visitor Experience at Museum Connections

Rachel Kuhn

Jan 10, 2024

2023 was marked by our fastest-ever expansion. Our team reflects on this landmark year, highlighting key milestones and projects.

BOP’s 2023 in Review

Rebecca Davison-Mora

Dec 13, 2023

Our team shares how the framework behind BOP500 can power sustainable development in cities around the world.

Cultural Capability: Rethinking Culture for the 21st Century

Paul Owens

Dec 1, 2023

Senior Consultant Martha Pym travels to Casablanca to share how strengthening place and authenticity can ensure citizens have a place alongside tourism.

Africa Place Marketing Conference: Citizen Participation for Sustainable and Inclusive Territorial Marketing

Nov 22, 2023

Co-founder Paul Owens joined by regional panel to discuss the Gulf’s rapidly growing sector and exciting possibilities for international collaboration.

BEYOND Conference, Ambition and Transformation: Emerging Creative R&D Practice in the Gulf

Callum Lee

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By BOP Consulting

Paul Owens

Co-Founder and Director

Paul Owens is a leading international advisor and practitioner in cultural policy and creative economy. He is Co-Founder of BOP, and alongside his fellow directors he has pioneered now well-established methods to measure the impact of cultural policy. 

Planning a new project?

If you are interested to learn more about our work or if you have a project you would like to discuss, get in touch.

Paul Owens - Founder and Director  | BOP
Paul Owens

Paul Owens

Co-Founder and Director

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