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Speaking to the panellists Paul posed the question, ‘how do we put to use this incredible human force that is the creative industries to create a more sustainable economy?’
Hearing from key voices such as Victoria Broackes, (London Design Biennale ), Lisa Lang (Climate-KIC) and Kully Thiarai (LEEDS 2023), the subsequent conversation discussed the power of cultural capital to improve lives, transform communities and build economic resilience at both the local and regional level.
Thank you, Aspen UK, and the EU delegation for hosting us at Europe House and to the ambassador Pedro Serrano for his thoughtful opening and closing remarks. It was a pleasure to be involved in such lively discussion.
About the panellists:
Victoria Broackes, the Director of London Design Biennale. London Design Biennale offers a global stage for world-leading contemporary design and design led innovation, creativity and research and showcases the potential of design to respond to address the world’s greatest challenges.
Lisa Lang, the Director for EU Affairs & Policy Orchestrator for EIT Climate KIC and the Chair person for the Cultural & Creative Taskforce for UNFCCC United Nations Global Innovation Hub (UGIH). Lisa is a direct adviser for creative industries, digitalisation and entrepreneurship for the European Commission on several high-level advisory boards, including Pact for Skills, Industrial Forum and the US/EU Trade & Technology Council. She has gained recognition as one of Forbes Europe’s Top 50 Women in Tech, and has been listed as one of the 50 most important women for innovation & startups in the EU.
Kully Thiarai, the Creative Director and CEO of Leeds 2023 – the city’s international year of culture. Having worked with prestigious arts organisations across the UK, Kully is renowned for her bold and ground-breaking work in the performing arts. She has extensive experience of commissioning, producing, and directing work nationally and internationally. Kully’s work spans communities, cultures and performance styles; from large-scale epics to solo shows, from community residency programmes to strategic policy interventions, from nurturing talent through to leading change. In 2020 Kully won the Cultural Icon Award in the inaugural Northern Asian power list.
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By BOP Consulting
Paul Owens
Co-Founder and Director
Paul Owens is a leading international advisor and practitioner in cultural policy and creative economy. He is Co-Founder of BOP, and alongside his fellow directors he has pioneered now well-established methods to measure the impact of cultural policy.
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